Village Census Code Directory of Jharkhand, India
According to the 2011 Census of India, the Census village code mapped to the Majhiladih village in Shikaripara Taluka is 371021. This village is located in the Shikaripara Taluka of Dumka district in Jharkhand state of India. The village is comes under Saharpur Gram Panchayat of Jharkhand. The pincode of Majhiladih village is 814119.
Name | Mapped Census Code |
Majhiladih Village Code | 371021 |
Shikaripara Taluka Code | 02671 |
Dumka District Code | 362 |
Jharkhand State Code | 20 |
The total geographical area of Majhiladih village is 322 hectares.
Type (Unit) | Area |
Hectare | 322 ha |
Acre | 795.66 acre |
Foot | 34659758 ft2 |
Kilometre | 3.22 km2 |
Metre | 3220000 m2 |
Mile | 1.24 mi2 |
Yard | 3851120 yd2 |
The total population of Majhiladih village is 558 peoples, in which 273 are male and 285 are female. This village sex ratio is 96.
Type | Population |
Male | 273 |
Female | 285 |
Sex Ratio | 96 |
322 ha
129 Houses
Total: 558
Male: 273 Female: 285