Village Census Code Directory of Jharkhand, India
According to the 2011 Census of India, the Census village code mapped to the Deshbarag village in Bashant Rai* Taluka is 357112. This village is located in the Bashant Rai* Taluka of Godda district in Jharkhand state of India. The village is comes under Deshbarag Gram Panchayat of Jharkhand.
Name | Mapped Census Code |
Deshbarag Village Code | 357112 |
Bashant Rai* Taluka Code | 02560 |
Godda District Code | 351 |
Jharkhand State Code | 20 |
The total geographical area of Deshbarag village is 104 hectares.
Type (Unit) | Area |
Hectare | 104 ha |
Acre | 256.98 acre |
Foot | 11194456 ft2 |
Kilometre | 1.04 km2 |
Metre | 1040000 m2 |
Mile | 0.4 mi2 |
Yard | 1243840 yd2 |
104 ha