Village Census Code Directory of Jharkhand, India
The Jharkhand Village Codes directory provides information on Census codes of villages in Balumath taluka. This tehsil is located in Latehar district of Jharkhand and having sub-district code / taluka-code 02640. The below code table helps you to browse the list of census code information village-wise.
Sl. No. | Village Name | Census Village Code |
1 | Ara | 367357 |
2 | Bahera | 367405 |
3 | Balbal | 367413 |
4 | Balu | 367378 |
5 | Balumath | 367369 |
6 | Banio | 367372 |
7 | Bara | 367407 |
8 | Barhaniakhar Aliasbhutahabab | 367392 |
9 | Basiya | 367404 |
10 | Bhagea | 367420 |
11 | Bhaisadon | 367402 |
12 | Bhang | 367387 |
13 | Bishunpur | 367412 |
14 | Bukru | 367362 |
15 | Chamatu | 367358 |
16 | Chandli | 367423 |
17 | Chetag | 367393 |
18 | Chetar | 367360 |
19 | Chitarpur | 367399 |
20 | Dhadhu | 367401 |
21 | Diridag | 367388 |
22 | Dumbu | 367374 |
23 | Ganeshpur | 367359 |
24 | Gerenja | 367403 |
25 | Ghutam | 367376 |
26 | Gurtur | 367383 |
27 | Hathdih | 367371 |
28 | Hebna | 367408 |
29 | Hempur | 367397 |
30 | Holang | 367386 |
31 | Ichak | 367375 |
32 | Itke | 367409 |
33 | Jala | 367365 |
34 | Jarri | 367363 |
35 | Jhabar | 367373 |
36 | Jilanga | 367410 |
37 | Jipua | 367415 |
38 | Jogiadih | 367395 |
39 | Kasiadih | 367367 |
40 | Keri | 367419 |
41 | Kolpatia | 367414 |
42 | Komar | 367370 |
43 | Kuriam Khurd | 367381 |
44 | Kurian Kalan | 367379 |
45 | Lachhipur | 367391 |
46 | Lejang | 367380 |
47 | Lundibar | 367382 |
48 | Marangloiya | 367411 |
49 | Masiatu | 367385 |
50 | Mausingha | 367416 |
51 | Mawadih | 367400 |
52 | Murgaon | 367398 |
53 | Murpa | 367418 |
54 | Nagra | 367366 |
55 | Okea | 367417 |
56 | Olhepat | 367389 |
57 | Pakri | 367390 |
58 | Pindarkom | 367406 |
59 | Pundurlawa | 367364 |
60 | Rajbar | 367384 |
61 | Santi | 367422 |
62 | Semarsot | 367396 |
63 | Seregara | 367361 |
64 | Siram | 367421 |
65 | Soparam | 367394 |
66 | Tasatwar | 367368 |
67 | Tumbagara | 367377 |