Village Census Code Directory of Jharkhand, India
The Jharkhand Village Codes directory provides information on Census codes of Talukas and Villages in Saraikela - Kharsawan district. This district is located in Jharkhand state of India and having district-code 369. The below code table helps you to browse the list of census code information taluka-wise.
Sl. No. | Tehsil Name | Census Taluka Code |
1 | Adityapur(Gamharia) | 02752 |
2 | Chandil | 02748 |
3 | Gobindpur(Rajnagar) | 02754 |
4 | Ichagarh | 02749 |
5 | Kharsawan | 02747 |
6 | Kuchai | 02746 |
7 | Kukru | 02750 |
8 | Nimdih | 02751 |
9 | Saraikela | 02753 |